Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Poster Presentation by Students of Semester V in the International conference on Environmental Challenges and Sustainability (ICECS) 31st October to 2nd November,2018

The International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Sustainability (ICECS) was held in The Central University of Jharkhand from 31st October to 2nd November,2018. Arnab Kumar Das, Isha Mukherjee and Shruti Ghosh presented their research paper entitled, ‘Assessment of Physico-Chemical Aspects and It’s Effect on Biotic Components of Five Major Lakes of City of Ranchi’ under poster presentation category. Eminent scientists, research scholars and delegates from some of the institutions of high repute such as University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) marked their presence in the conference.

The paper was presented in Poster Session 1 of 31st October which was based on the theme of ‘Environmental Pollution and Management (Air, Water and Soil Pollution)’. The presenting author was Isha Mukherjee. The research work by the students was appreciated by scholars and delegates.

Arnab Kumar Das, Isha Mukherjee and Shruti Ghosh at ICECS-2018.

Arnab Kumar Das, Isha Mukherjee and Shruti Ghosh with poster based on their research work 
The students also attended Plenary Talk on ‘Bioprospecting of Indian Bio-Resources’ by Prof. R. Umashaanker of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru.

The students are thankful to their mentors Bharti Madam and Manoj Sir, Department-Of-Zoology, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi for their guidance and support and Dr. Manoj Kumar from Central Coalfields Limited,Ranchi. Students are also thankful to The Central University of Jharkhand for providing them with the opportunity to present their paper at ICECS-2018.

Report by- Arnab Kumar Das
Semester V

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Plantation Drive at Jagannath Temple Premises, Ranchi

रांची। संत जेवियर कॉलेज के जीव विज्ञान विभाग के ईको टास्‍क फोर्स ने जगन्नाथ मंदिर, रांची के प्रांगण में पौधारोपण अभियान चलाया। जीव विज्ञान विभाग के पार्ट 1 और पार्ट 2 के विद्यार्थियों ने बढ़ चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया lइस क्रम  में मंदिर परिसर और आसपास करीब 100 पौधे लगाए। इसमें नीम, आम, जामुन, सीसम, कटहल, करंज, टीक, गुलमोहर, बेल, पलाश, लीची आदि शामिल थे। यह कार्यक्रम विभागाध्‍यक्ष डॉ. भारती रायपत के नेतृत्‍व में चला। इस कार्य में श्री मनोज कुमार और डॉ. प्रियंका साहा का अहम योगदान रहा I

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Paryavaran Mela: Audrey House: 29 May - 5 June.

Day 1 30th May; Eco task force; Department of Zoology; Zoological Survey of India; Reporting time 2:30 PM; All 6 volunteers reach and discussed about the task which they have assigned. 2 out of six were asked to mark eco hotspots and Hadely effect. So, 2 volunteers (Prem and Jaya) were covering the globe and 4 were assigned task to educate the people coming to Zoological survey of India stall about the museum specimen.

Day -2 – 31st May: Reporting time 2:30 PM
All volunteers reported at 3 pm , we gathered at seminar hall, for the topic “The reduction of usage of plastic bags .” Senior scientists and executives initiated it and ended with a very serious concern about its harmful effect & how to reduce it by suggesting methods including recycling . We all summed up till 6:00 pm.

Day 3(1st June)
All the volunteers and coordinator were at Mela at3 pm. Kastubh sir explained different ways of collecting species for the making museum specimen and taxidermy .

Day 4(2nd June).
All the Volunteers and coordinator along with Ankush sharma were present in Mela at 3pm. On the fourth day of Mela there was a seminar on “Genetic diversity “ .The minister of forest and management inaugurated the seminar. Many senior Scientist such as dr. R.K.Sinha gave lectures on genetic diversity of India and it’s importance. All students along with Bharti mam Attended the seminar. Ankush senior and Hassan marked the hotspots on the globe. We along with our coordinator were interviewed by the kashish news.

Day 5(3rd June)
On the fifth day of Mela we along with our coordinator and Bharti mam attended the seminar on “Genetic diversity and human health and environment “. This seminar was dedicated to Dr.Lalji Singh for his contribution on gene barcoding. There were three lectures on different topic such as genetic diversity, genetic diversity and human health and environment (Dr R. K. Sinha), poaching and gene barcoding and it’s benfits (Dr S. K. Verma)

Day 6(4th June
All volunteers and coordinator were at Mela at3 pm. There was a seminar on Environmental law and implementation. The seminar was addressed by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad (ministry of law and justice).  He explained the environmental  laws .

Day 7 (5th june)
All volunteers and coordinator were at Mela at3 pm. There closing ceremony started at 4:00pm.. All the volunteers were awarded with certificate by the officials of Yogantar Bharti.
The director of ZSI (Dr. Gopi Sharma ) provided a book for the College as a small token of appreciation from ZSI

Glimpses of the Paryavaran Mela

Report By
Semester III

Plantation Drive: Govt High School, Boreya, Kanke, Ranchi on 15th July, 2018

A plantation drive was organized by the Eco Task Force, Department of Zoology, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi Under the supervision of Dr. Bharti Singh Raipat (H. O. D., Department of Zoology, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi). Students from the department, school and interested NCC cadets actively participated in the plantation drive. The students were accompanied by Dr. Shweta. Aproximately 100 saplings of teak, neem, mango, jamun, shesham, peepal, kadamb, jackfruit, karanj etc. were planted in the school campus.

glimpses of the plantation drive

Saturday, 24 February 2018

International Conference on "Advances in Environment and Agricultural Biotechnology-2018". Organised by Department of Botany, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi. Date: 22-24th February, 2018

students (from right - Ila, Shreya, Shivam) with their project mentors (from left - Mr. Pipas Kumar, Mr. Manoj Kumar)

Ila Explaining her work

Father Vice Principle inspecting students's work. He was quite impressed and encouraged the students.

report by ARNAB DAS

The ‘International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology’ was held in St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi from 22nd February to 24th February,2018. In this conference a group of students from Sem-4 comprising of Arnab Kumar Das, Isha Mukherjee, Shruti Ghosh, Manorama Kumari, Mampi Banerjee and Atiya Darakshan presented their research paper entitled ‘Analysis of Noise Pollution of Some Industrial and Commercial Hubs in Ranchi’ under the mentorship of  Dr. Bharti Singh Raipat, H.O.D., Department of Zoology, Mr. Manoj Kumar and Dr. Priyanka Saha of Department of Zoology, St. Xavier’s College,Ranchi.
The paper was presented in Session No.-3 on 23rd of  February,2018 and Mrs. Tajwar Izhar, Recipient of ‘Young Scientist Award-2017’ and Dr. Manoj Kumar from Central Coalfields Limited, Ranchi were the Chairperson and Co-Chairperson in this session respectively. The paper was illustrated by a Power-Point Presentation on the topic as well.

      Arnab Kumar Das presenting the paper

 Isha Mukherjee presenting the paper
The paper presented by the students was acknowledged as ‘The Best Paper Presented in Oral Presentation Category’ for that particular session. The students and researchers from Birla Institute of Technology (BIT),Mesra, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi and from other cities had also presented their respective papers in this particular session.
The Award Ceremony for ICAEA was held on 24th February,2018 in Fr. De Brouwer Auditorium in St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi and the students and their mentors were awarded with certificates by the delegates who had arrived from across the India.

Arnab Kumar Das, Isha Mukherjee, Shruti Ghosh, Manorama Kumari, Mampi Banerjee and Atiya Darakshan receiving ‘The Best Paper Presented in Oral Presentation Category’ for session no.-3

(From Right to Left)- Isha Mukherjee, Manorama Kumari, Mampi Banerjee, Arnab Kumar Das, Shruti Ghosh and Atiya Darakshan

Arnab and Isha with Bharti Madam, H.O.D, Dept. of Zoology, 
St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi and their Mentor

Arnab, Isha and Shruti with their Mentor Mr. Manoj Kumar (extreme left) 
accompanied by Pipas Sir (3rd from right)

Arnab and Isha with their mentor Dr. Priyanka Saha
Their research paper has been published in Volume-VI, Issue-II, Part-I, Feb-July 2018 Edition of the UGC Listed Journal ‘GENIUS’. The information related to their Research Paper is also available on the following link-

A copy of the journal ‘Genius’ was also presented to the students by Dr. Ajay Kumar Srivastava, Organizing Secretary of  ICAEA and H.O.D., Dept of  Botany, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi and Dr. D.S. Rathore.